Dancing the Divine


Our ever evolving tribe of Dancing the Divine is inspired by energetic expansion, embodying alchemy. By reflecting luminous qualities and ways of being as each dancer aligns with the divine with. How you show up to this practice is essential to the integrity of our mission and your potential.

Live your light.

I live at my highest light and embody the Dancing the Divine principles, teachings that guide us to move with every cell in our body being present on the path of remembrance with great love and service to the divine within, awakening humanity and starting with ourselves.


I commit to absolute confidentiality. I will only share my experience. There is no room for gossip or drama in my life.


Loving, compassionate, honest communication creates and maintains harmony. I speak with integrity and use the power of my words in the direction of love and truth. I avoid using words to speak against myself or others. I with courage communicate to express what I need, and what I want. I consciously clear any unspoken or misunderstandings with love and compassion.


I value and practice the art of listening. I will do my best to be present and listen to you I will not try to fix you or offer any advice unless it is explicitly requested. I trust you have everything you need within you and I know inherently there is nothing to fix.


I honor our container, our time and our sacred energy of tribe, I am responsible for my presence and accountable for my actions.

Self Love.

I commit to loving and caring for myself, my Temple of Dance. I prioritize time and space to be in my own personal practice. I AM my greatest gift and investment. I Am cultivating my tools of transformation with every kindness I offer myself.


I am whole and holy, one of a kind creator. My own unique beauty and gifts are my superpower! I reach for original expressions, not copying others, allowing my own authenticity to manifest. We are treasured facets of the divine in material form, I feel welcomed and celebrated for who I am right here, right now.


Each of us are here with our own magic and on our own spirited process, I replace any sense of competition with collaboration. I recognize comparison is part of separation & separation is an illusion.


I understand that what I offer to my dance of life, is in perfect proportion to what I receive.

I will actively participate in this group by sharing my experiences, weaving my magic with Dancing the Divine tribe. I AM confident that my personal experiences help to support the growth of all souls journeying together.


I will not take anything too seriously. Above all I am here to play have fun breathe and keep dancing.

Create your β€œYES” response offering for our inter connected Facebook Page to show yourself!!!!!!


Together we fly higher, brighter, wiser!

Love in Action pure JOY, Amber